One or more objects in this drawing cannot be save

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➡ Click here: One or more objects in this drawing cannot be saved to the specified format autocad

I also have a problem that whenever I open a file it opens a read only copy. AutoCad :: Drawing Cannot Be Saved Aug 26, 2011 I've created a drawing and I want to contiune on it.

When Avecto DefendPoint was uninstalled, AutoCAD Architecture 2016 was able to save any drawing with no further messages, on the affected workstation. Auto-cad has been for to the network drive fine before. This percentage increases after each incremental save until it reaches a specified maximum, at which time a full save is performed instead. It seems to be isolated to this file. MAINTENANCE SUBSCRIPTION PREVIOUS VERSION RIGHTS BENEFITS 2. Aug 26, 2011 I've met a drawing and I want to contiune on it. He clicks YES and then it tells him the drawing hasn't been saved and asks him if he wants to save it. I just get a blank gray screen when I open if from within AutoCAD. May 2, 2012 I have a capstone lab prime due tomorrow for my graphic arts class and I made a HUGE mistake!!. When I was closing all of the images I accidentally saved the changes flatten image to my original. When this option is not selected, a single model space representation is displayed on the Model layout.

Let me know if I need to give any more details. Let me know if I need to give any more details.

Autodesk Civil Engineering Community Center - Jan 15, 2014 I have saved my photos in RAW format and imported them into Lightroom. I am having trouble saving my updates to an existing drawing.

Fairly new to troubleshooting CAD. The client is getting the following message from AutoCAD 2015: One or more objects in this drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created. I've taken a look at AutoCAD support pages and have tried the following: 1. Yet the file is still unable to save. Some more background info. The company was using Bitcasa as some sort of offsite cloud storage which is apparently going belly-up and has told the clients to dl everything or lose it. A Temp receptionist was tasked with transferring the drawing files from the Bitcasa to in-house network drive. Maybe they're just degraded from Bitcasa? Read full post Denis Kelley wrote: I don't use AutoCAD but deal with the issues. First and foremost, AutoCAD hates latency. I have seen drawings that will go read only when encountering latency through either a snapshot or other event. Almost always, the user is able to do a SAVE AS vs SAVE. Try that and let me know if that works. I have tried the SAVE AS vs SAVE. It works for some formats, but in this case with the. DWG files the client uses - it does not. Which leads me to think it has some errors from this Bitcasa that can't be fixed - maybe.